How can I help YOU?
Everyone is different on the level of help and service they need. It could be
Some like
Education and support only
To be able to have clear direction and work at their own pace
Get it all sorted in the 1 day intensive with followup
All levels of service are aimed at producing the healthiest gut possible to not only help with gut problems but also with weight management, elimination, hormone balancing, anxiety, stress, thyroid and a stronger immune system.
Not sure which one is right for you. Book in for a FREE 1/2 hour chat with Paula to discuss your specific situation and what is best for you.
Individual Nutrition Consultation
1.5 hours of detailed questioning and testing. Includes:
Detailed questioning of your presenting issue
Questioning of other areas of the body as needed
Looking into lifestyle, spirituality and emotions
Preliminary analysis of iridology and nails.
Initiation of blood tests if needed
Initiation of other functional pathology if needed
Advise of
dietary changes
nutritional supplementation
lifestyle changes
Investment $150. Email Paula to find out more or book online.
IBS Gut Healthy Community
- coming soon
Content that will take you from feeling stuck in life with your IBS to having freedom to choose where to go without fear or embarrassment. 1 full year of content delivered weekly that will cover.
Digestion - how it works with fats, protein and carbs
Probiotic foods & supplements
Prebiotic foods & supplements
Stress – the effects
Brain/gut connection
Sugar – the effects
Lifestyle factors that influence gut health
Environmental factors that influence gut health
Inter-relationships between the gut, immune system, hormones and inflammation
Founding members will soon be invited to join the IBS Gut Healthy Community.
Not sure what you need
Book in for a free 1/2 hour chat to talk to Paula.
Either email Paula to find out more or book a free 1/2 hour chat online
Personalised Gut Treatment
Really need to get to the core of what is going on. A personalised Gut treatment can help tailor the solution to your specific situation. Includes:
Personalised Treatment
Initial consultation to determine your specific issues
Detailed treatment plan including analysis of blood test results
Consultation for initiation of treatment
Followup consultation to keep on track
Gut Healthy community membership
Investment $670. Email Paula to find out more or book a free 1/2 hour chat.