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About the Gut

Ultimate Aim


For people to be free to

  • Not develop into a sweat when you think "Do I need to go to the toilet"

  • Not to line up again for the bathroom when you have just been

  • Be able to relax and enjoy the car journey instead of worrying when the next McDonalds is

  • Be able to go somewhere new without having to check out prior where every toilet is

  • Finally get the most out of your food and have maximum energy.

Gut Symptoms

Excess wind

Imbalance of GUT flora


Pain when eating






Undigested food in stools

Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Crohn's Disease

Ulcerative Colitis

Related Symptoms


Lack of energy

Foggy brain

Hormone imbalance


Sleeping probems

Frequent colds/flu

Gut Symptoms

Excess wind

Imbalance of GUT flora


Pain when eating




Parasite susceptible


Undigested food in stools

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Coeliac Disease

Crohn's Disease

Ulcerative Colitis

Related Symptoms


Lack of energy

Foggy brain

Hormone imbalance


Sleeping probems

Autoimmune flare-ups


Thyroid function

Weight management

Insuling resistance

Frequent colds/flu

There are many different aspects to treating the gut.  Here are a few and how they benefit you.

Improve hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes

  • Helps reduce reflux

  • Helps breakdown proteins and reduce undigested food in stools


Balance GUT flora

  • Reduces wind

  • Reduces bloating

  • Balances stool consistency

  • Improve intolerances


Improve fibre and water

  • Assist constipation


Reduce inflammation

  • Reduce effect of allergies

  • Assist with Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis


Gain confidence in bowel reliability

  • Assist with Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Repair GUT

  • Needed for diarrhoea/constipation, intolerances, IBS, IBD

Complete Stool Analysis with Parasitology is the best way to determine exactly what is going on.

Sometimes we do need to investigate the balance for gut flora.


The Complete Stool Analysis with parasitology x 3 is the most effective test to understand what is going on.  Yes it is the most expensive, but for an initial test it is good to get the most information.

In a nutshell it includes:

  • Levels of beneficial bacteria

  • Levels of imbalanced bacteria

  • Levels of bacteria that is causing dysbiosis in the gut

  • Yeast both cultured and under the microscope

  • For the dysbiotic bacteria, the bacteria is cultured and various treatments given to see what it responds to

  • How the fibre is being broken down in your large intestine

  • Any blood in the stool

  • Indicators of insufficent digestion of proteins, fats, fibre and carbohydrates

  • Inflammation particularly IBD and IBS

  • Immune system defence


Not quite as simple as any bad bugs in your poo, but a whole lot of information about the health of your digestion.

Do It Yourself

If all you need is information then this is a comprehensive all the things you can do to improve your gut.

Personalised Treatment

Tailor your treatment with a 3 consultations and the webinars from Do It Yourself program to obtain a better overall outcome.  Can do it over 3 months or intensive in 1 day.  Stool testing can be added into treatment program if needed.


Detail of all option under Services

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